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Shangri La Stories

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Writing Where the Light Comes In

Poet and 8x8: Source Artist, No’u Revilla speaking with workshop attendees.

This past Saturday, Shangri La in collaboration with the Hawai'i Council for the Humanities, held a writing intensive workshop titled, “Writing Where the Light Comes In”. This poetry workshop invited seasoned poets, educators, students, and artists to explore Shangri La campus and collection as a space for inspiration and creative reflection. We’re honored to be in community with these talented and thoughtful artists who work to distill complex emotions, experiences, and truths into vivid and resonant artistic expression, evoking profound empathy and mutual understanding in these times when they are needed the most.

Workshop attendees working in groups to create their final poems.

The workshop was led by Hawai'i Poet Laureate, Brandy Nālani McDougall and also included artists from our 8x8: Source exhibition: No’u Revilla, Punahele, and Sean-Joseph Choo. View their 8x8: Source performance on our YouTube.

Hawai’i Poet Laureate, Brandy Nalani McDougall speaking with workshop attendees.