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Shangri La Stories

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

131 Years

January 17, 2024 marks 131 years since her Majesty Queen Lili'uokalani yielded the Hawaiian Kingdom and its lands —under the threat of force and in protest —to the United States to avoid the bloodshed of her people. Acts of Kānaka Maoli healing, protest, and rising continue today.

Shangri La convenes artistic work that actively explores Hawaiʻi nei (this beloved place).

Today, we are sharing performances from our #8x8 artists whose work opens the door for conversations and reflection about Hawaiʻi present and past.

Artists Featured:
Punahele | “The Return”
Dr. Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio | “A Call to Prayer"
Inalihi (‘Ihilani Lasconia) | "At the Threshold"
ʻĀinaPaikai | "OUTSIDE IN"
Hawaiʻi Poet Laureate Brandy Nālani McDougall | "Kūpikipikiʻō", "Resist", "Makawalu", "ʻĀina Hānau"