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Shangri La Stories

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Friends of a Feather

Manu-o-Kū viewing Harinani Orme's #8x8_shangrila_23 artwork based on the life-cycle of our feathered friend!

The kukui tree (candlenut tree, Aleurites moluccanus) in the garden next to the Mughal Gallery is a favorite for Manu-o-Kū to nest (white fairy tern, Gygis alba) and a fan favorite of public tours who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a newborn chick in the tree. These incredible seabirds native to Hawai'i are recognized as the official bird of Honolulu. They can be seen flying around most of the urban area on O’ahu. The most unique feature about these feathered friends is their ability to lay an egg directly on a tree branch…when the chick hatches…it holds on tight up until adulthood!