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Shangri La Stories

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

Stories from the Shangri La Museum of Islamic Art, Culture & Design

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Visit Shangri La

Shangri La is a unique and memorable introduction to Islamic art, culture and design. 

The museum is only accessible from the Honolulu Museum of Art, Thursday through Saturday by reservation only.

Visit Shangri La

Shangri La is a unique and memorable introduction to Islamic art, culture and design. 

The museum is only accessible from the Honolulu Museum of Art, Thursday through Saturday by reservation only.

“Shangri La is within the ‘ili (subdivision) of Kapahulu in the ahupua‘a (land division) of Waikiki, in the moku (district) of Kona, on the mokupuni (island) of O‘ahu, in the paeʻāina (archipelago) of Hawaiʻi. It is with mindfulness and gratitude that the museum acknowledges this `āina (sacred land) as an indigenous space whose kānaka`āina (original people), are today identified as kānaka maoli (Native Hawaiians). Shangri La further recognizes that her majesty Queen Liliʻuokalani yielded the Hawaiian Kingdom and these territories, under duress and protest, to the United States to avoid the bloodshed of her people; peaceful and inspiring acts of kānaka maoli protest, assertions of sovereignty, and practices of cultural healing and rising continue today.”